Friday, December 19, 2008

Normally I dont act upon my wishes

Normally I don’t act upon my wishes.
But today is little less than a miracle. I stopped and bought the whole bunch of roses from the street. White, yellow, red, shy pink and one more colour very beautiful. A poor lady with a happy face was accompanied by her husband. They were planted along with their flowers on the concrete pavement. It is not a very rare sight. Sometimes you might even see a bunch of kids hovering around them in other similar frames. But today they had not bothered me to buy and the lady moved her basket of roses away from me, giving me a way on the pavement.

I had eyed the brightest yellow from afar and in close, the most mellow red. After two steps ahead of the little garden in the concrete jungle. I paused, stopped and went back to smell the roses.
One, I picked the brightest rose, love at first sight yellow for my sister. And the second, a bashful red, she seemed lacking in confidence.

Don’t we often buy things for ourselves to be judged by others? A sweet yet light fragrant perfume so that the others don’t find it repulsive. Kurtis with nice handworks so that others can appreciate your taste , a luxury car to be envied by others etc.
I don’t know, it’s the era of reckless consumerism and people always want to appease other selves than yourself.
But today in those roses, I wanted to please my sister so that I will be happy.

And I broke the rule. I bought 23 of those roses all yellow, red, white, orange; the beautiful chaos. All held together by a thin white thread, with unpretentious leaves hung low and up, dried and green, living in harmony with the thorns, cushioning.
Each should cost 3 rs to me if I was not someone who takes bargaining as a survival kit and covertly enjoys winning over an argument. My modest Tamil punctuated with pleading smiles is a charmer. I bought the little garden for 50 rs.

Normally, I would have admired the roses, even sniffed them and left them behind. I would not buy them.

Today is little less than a miracle. I bought not just one rose but 23 of them. My sister hugged me twice and I felt happier than I thought I would be.

Today is little less than a miracle that I am starting my blog.


I am boring.

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